As individuals from non psychology backgrounds, offer to provide career counselling based on 'Standardized psychometric tests'!.. As recommending specific courses, institutions and providing assistance in procuring these admissions, is being offered as career counselling.. As more and more Career Counsellors are ending up functioning as mere Information banks of options-available and procedures.. as mere deadlines alert facilities.. I feel compelled to pause and rethink whether I ought to continue referring to myself as a Career Counselor .. because what I offer is very different from the 'career counselors' described above. For one, I am a trained psychometrician (distinctions student). I continue to choose, not to have allegiance with any educational institutions offering monetary benefits for recommending their courses. I don't function as an exhaustive information bank of, options-available. Now you are probably wondering.. So what do I do as a career counsellor?
Well, this is what you will get, when you seek my services for Career Counseling. As a Career Counselor, this is what I do:
I'll help you see yourself as a unique individual, by helping you discover yourself in terms of your - abilities, aptitude, personality traits, interests, learning styles, shortcomings, peeves, family dynamics and much more...
I'll help you understand yourself in terms of - what is important to you, what you want from life, why you desire that which you do, what is it that you truly desire.
I'll help you familiarise with the world of work and help you discover your place in it, by guiding you towards careers which would be the best fit for you. Careers where you are likely to experience a high degree of happiness, contentment and success.
I'll help you chart a path towards the recommended career/s, by setting short term and long term goals and shall guide, motivate and mentor you towards achieving these goals.
So, should I rightfully raise my hand? I think I will. I'm Anupam Talwar Kohli and I'm a Career Counselor. I help you choose the direction of your life. I help you shape your life. I help you achieve, Success and Contentment in life.
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