The wind beneath your wings...
Personal (Psychological) Counseling
Just as the rising sun dispels all darkness, spurring the birds to take flight into a brand new day... We at AnupamsCounseling, help dispel the darkness of doubts, indecision, sadness, worries, fears... by empowering you with clarity, confidence, hope and joy... thus spurring you on towards a brighter & better tomorrow.This includes one to one sessions with our counseling psychologist.
You may choose to meet her in person, for in-clinic sessions, at Noida or you may opt for online sessions via voice / video calls.
Our psychologist is a trained Rogerian Psychotherapist. She is trained to understand you and see the world from your point of view. Rather than advising you and sharing her thoughts and opinions on the matter on hand, she shall encourage you to discover and understand yourself... your emotions, your needs, conflicts, thoughts, where you want to head/ what you want to do/ achieve. She will then guide you and aid you in achieving your new found goals.
This form of therapeutic approach leaves the client feeling empowered, and 'in control', rather than creating dependancy on the counselor.
Various cognitive, behavioural and affective therapeutic interventions such as rational emotive therapy, transactional analysis, play therapy, art therapy, Cognitive behavioural therapy, deep muscle relaxation, systematic desensitization, role play etc may be implemented on a case to case need basis through the course of counselling sessions.
What actually happens during Personal Counselling
Our personal counseling sessions do not involve use of drugs, coercion, advice giving, reprimanding or moralizing.
Why/ When to seek personal counselling
to feel lighter, to feel better, to get your life back on track...
to increase the happiness quotient of your life...
to unburden, de-stress and detox...
to get acquainted with yourself...
to be able to take a decision...
Reach out to us if you are feeling overwhelmed by your life issues or your own thoughts, feelings and need to
talk to someone uninhibitedly,
in complete confidence,
without being judged.
Via Psychological Counseling/ Personal Counseling/ Psychotherapy, we:
help people deal with overwhelming interpersonal and/or intrapersonal issues;
help people better understand and accept themselves and their circumstances;
help with self improvement and optimizing innate potential;
help people better adjust and adapt to their social environment;
advocate mental hygiene, by sharing ways and means of maintaining good mental health.
We do not treat mental illness.