Psychometric Testing & Evaluation
Our Counseling Psychologist is trained to and experienced in administering psychometric tests and interpreting their results. She earned distinction in psychometric testing during her PG training at NCERT.
Psychological evaluation is an integral part of all our Guidance & Counseling Services. It is done with the aim of gaining a better understanding of the client, so as to best assist him/her in achieving Success and Happiness. On a case to case, need basis, the evaluation process may include conducting Psychometric tests also.
Psychometric Tests are standardized tests (scientifically developed, Reliable and Valid) used for measuring a variety of psychological attributes such as personality traits, mental ability, aptitudes, interests, learning styles, etc.
These tests do not require any pre-preparation on the part of the client, and may include making choices, solving puzzles, answering questions about themselves etc
For Individuals
Evaluation may include, Psychometric tests of mental ability, personality, aptitude, interests, study habits etc.
These may be conducted for purposes of Psycho-profiling for career counseling and learning solutions counseling.
Need based tests may also be conducted as part of the appraisal procedure of clients seeking personal counseling.
For Schools & Corporate
This includes testing conducted in group settings, to meet various institutional needs.
For instance, in schools,tests may be conducted for the purpose of
providing CareerGuidance to students,
for promoting Personal& professional growth of Teachers.
In the corporate setup tests may be used for purposes of employee Selection, Appraisal etc